{# TODO: this probably won't be needed anymore as we will relay on the HTTP cache #} {% include '@ibexadesign/page_head_displaystyles.html.twig' %} {% block page_head %} {% include '@ibexadesign/page_head.html.twig' %} {% endblock %} {% include '@ibexadesign/page_head_style.html.twig' %} {% include '@ibexadesign/page_head_script.html.twig' %} {% if location is defined and not location.isDraft %} {% set currentLocation=location %} {% endif %}
{% block header %} {% if currentLocation is defined %} {{ render( controller( "App\\Controller\\HeaderController::index",{ 'locationId': currentLocation.id is defined ? currentLocation.id : null, 'routeRef': ibexa_route(), 'contentTypeId': currentLocation.contentInfo.contentTypeId } ) ) }} {% else %} {{ render( controller( "App\\Controller\\HeaderController::index",{ 'locationId': currentLocation.id is defined ? currentLocation.id : null, 'routeRef': ibexa_route() } ) ) }} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{#if location is not landingpage#} {% if currentLocation is defined and currentLocation.contentInfo.contentTypeId == 105 %}
{% else %}
{% block breadcrumb %} {% endblock %} {% endif %} {% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% block footer %} {{ render( controller( "App\\Controller\\BerufungFooterController::indexvolunteers" ) ) }} {% endblock %}