{% if ibexa_field_value( content, 'project_needs_money' ) == "1" %} {% if content.fields.projecttitle is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'projecttitle' ) %}

{{ ibexa_field_value(content, 'projecttitle') }}

{% endif %} {% if content.fields.projecttarget is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'projecttarget' ) %}

{{ ibexa_field_value(content, 'projecttarget') }}

{% endif %} {% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, "projectcosts" ) %}

Förderbedarf: {{ ibexa_render_field(content, 'projectcosts') }}

{% endif %} {% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, "projekt_link" ) and isValidContentId(ibexa_field_value(content, "projekt_link").destinationContentId) %} {{ ibexa_field_value(content, 'title_for_project_link') }} {% else %} {{ ibexa_field_value(content, 'title_for_project_link') }} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if content.fields.projecttraeger is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'projecttraeger' ) %}

{{ ibexa_field_value(content, 'projecttraeger') }}

{% endif %} {% if content.fields.projecttarget is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'projecttarget' ) %}

{{ ibexa_field_value(content, 'projecttarget') }}

{% endif %}

Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!

{% if isValidLocationId(52278) %} Förderprojekt finden {% endif %} {% endif %}