{% extends "@ibexadesign/pagelayout.html.twig" %} {% block page_head %} {% if content.fields.description is defined %} {% set description = ibexa_field_value( content, 'description' ) %} {% else %} {% set description = ibexa_content_name( content) %} {% endif %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block fullcontent %}
{% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, "headline" ) %}

{{ ibexa_render_field( content, 'headline' ) }}

{% endif %}
{% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, "short_description" ) %} {{ ibexa_render_field( content, 'short_description' ) }} {% endif %}
{% if dossiercircle is defined and dossiercircle == true %}
{% include "@ibexadesign/embed/_dossiercircle.html.twig" with { 'h_level': 'h2', 'txt1_big': txt1_big|default(''), 'txt3': txt2|default(''), 'txt3_bold': txt3_bold|default('') } %}
{% endif %}
{% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, "insta_article_teaser" ) %} {% endif %}
{% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, "article_teaser_2" ) %}

{{ ibexa_render_field( content, 'headline_2' ) }}

{% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, "short_description_2" ) %} {{ ibexa_render_field( content, 'short_description_2' ) }} {% endif %}
{% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, "article_teaser_2" ) %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block ezobjectrelation_field %} {% apply spaceless %} {% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, field ) %}
{{ render( controller( "ibexa_content:viewAction", {'contentId': field.value.destinationContentId, 'viewType': 'specialteaser', 'noLayout': 0 } ) ) }}
{% endif %} {% endapply %} {% endblock %} {% block ezurl_field %} {% apply spaceless %} {% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, field ) %} {{ field.value.text ? field.value.text : field.value.link }} {% endif %} {% endapply %} {% endblock %}