{% apply spaceless %} {% if content is defined and title is not defined %} {% set title = ibexa_content_name( content ) %} {% endif %} {% if content is defined %} {% if content.fields['meta_title'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'meta_title') %} {% set title = ibexa_field_value( content ,'meta_title' ) %} {% elseif content.fields['title'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'title') %} {% set title = ibexa_field_value( content ,'title' ) %} {% elseif content.fields['name'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'name') %} {% set title = ibexa_field_value( content ,'name' ) %} {% endif %} {% if content.fields['meta_no_index'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'meta_no_index') and ibexa_field_value( content, "meta_no_index" ) == "1" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if content is defined and description is not defined %} {% if content.fields['meta_description'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'meta_description') %} {% set description = ibexa_field_value( content ,'meta_description' ) %} {% elseif content.fields['short_title'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'short_title') %} {% set description = ibexa_field_value( content ,'short_title' ) %} {% elseif content.fields['title'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'title') %} {% set description = ibexa_field_value( content ,'title' ) %} {% elseif content.fields['short_name'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'short_name') %} {% set description = ibexa_field_value( content ,'short_name' ) %} {% elseif content.fields['name'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'name') %} {% set description = ibexa_field_value( content ,'name' ) %} {% else %} {% set description = ibexa_content_name( content ) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ title|default( 'Home' ) }} - Engagement {% if description is defined %} {% endif %} {% if content.fields['meta_keywords'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'meta_keywords') %} {% endif %} {# adding canonical url for all defined content #} {% if content is defined and content.fields['meta_canonical'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'meta_canonical') %} {% elseif content is defined and content.contentInfo.mainLocationId %} {% set url = url( 'ibexa.url.alias', {'locationId': content.contentInfo.mainLocationId} ) %} {% set url = getMainSiteaccessUrl(content.contentInfo.mainLocationId) %} {% if 'Content-Pool' in url %} {% set url = url( 'ibexa.url.alias', {'locationId': locationId} ) %} {% endif %} {% if page is defined and page is not null %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if content is defined %} {% if content.fields['teasertext'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'teasertext') %} {% set value = ibexa_field(content, "teasertext").value.xml.textContent %} {% elseif content.fields['short_description'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'short_description') %} {% set value = ibexa_field(content, "short_description").value.xml.textContent %} {% elseif content.fields['subtitle'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'subtitle') %} {% set value = ibexa_field(content, "subtitle").value.xml.textContent %} {% endif %} {% if content.fields['mainimage'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty(content, 'mainimage') %} {{ render( controller( "ibexa_content:viewAction", {'contentId': ibexa_field_value(content,"mainimage").destinationContentId, 'viewType': 'opengraph', 'noLayout': 1} ) ) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endapply %}