{% extends "@ibexadesign/pagelayout.html.twig" %} {% set hide_solgan = 'true' %} {% block content %} {# Rendering the whole "page" field, which is of ezpage fieldtype. #} {# All zones and blocks will be rendered from here. #} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('kampagne-landingpage') }}
{% set image_alias = image_alias|default( "col3" ) %} {% set content_name = ibexa_content_name( content ) %} {{ ibexa_render_field( content, "image", { "parameters": {"alias": image_alias, "alt": content_name} } ) }}

{{ ibexa_render_field( content, 'headline' ) }}

{{ ibexa_render_field( content, 'content' ) }}
{% endblock %} {% block ezobjectrelationlist_field %} {% apply spaceless %} {% if not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, field ) %} {% endif %} {% endapply %} {% endblock %}