{% set content_name=ibexa_content_name(content) %} {% if content.fields['short_name'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'short_name' ) %} {% set content_name=ibexa_field_value(content, 'short_name') %} {% elseif content.fields['name'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'name' ) %} {% set content_name=ibexa_field_value(content, 'name') %} {% endif %} {% if location is defined %} {% set link =ibexa_path(location) %} {% else %} {% set link = path( "ibexa.url.alias", {"contentId": content.contentInfo.id} ) %} {% endif %}

{{ content_name }}

{% if content.fields['short_description'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'short_description' ) %}

{{ ibexa_render_field( content, 'short_description' ) }}

{% endif %}
{% if content.fields['image'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'image' ) %}
{{ render( controller( "ibexa_content:viewAction", {'contentId': ibexa_field_value(content,"image").destinationContentId, 'viewType': 'embed', 'params': {'alias': 'magazin_teaser_image', 'hideText': 'true'}} ) ) }}
{% endif %}