{% block headerimage %}
{% if content.fields['mainimage'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'mainimage' ) %}
{{ render( controller( "ibexa_content:viewAction", {'contentId': ibexa_field_value(content,"mainimage").destinationContentId, 'viewType': 'embed', 'noLayout': true, 'params': {'alias': 'zuk_full_screen_width_full', 'minimalMarkup': 'true', 'srcmedia': 'min-width: 768px'}} ) ) }}
{% elseif isValidContentId(52954) %}
{{ render( controller( "ibexa_content:viewAction", {'contentId': 52954, 'viewType': 'embed', 'noLayout': true, 'params': {'alias': 'zuk_full_screen_width_full', 'minimalMarkup': 'true', 'srcmedia': 'min-width: 768px'}} ) ) }}
{% endif %}
{% if content.fields['mainimage_small'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'mainimage_small' ) %}
{% elseif isValidContentId(52955) %}
{% endif %}
{% if content.fields['name'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'name' ) %}
{% endblock %}
{{ ibexa_field_value(content, 'name') }}
{% elseif content.fields['title'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'title' ) %}{{ ibexa_field_value(content, 'title') }}
{% elseif content is defined %}{{ ibexa_content_name(content) }}
{% endif %} {% if content.fields['short_description'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'short_description' ) %} {{ ibexa_render_field(content, 'short_description') }} {% elseif content.fields['intro'] is defined and not ibexa_field_is_empty( content, 'intro' ) %} {{ ibexa_render_field(content, 'intro') }} {% endif %}
{% block fullcontent %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block donation %}
{% if isValidLocationId(51705) %}
{% if content.fields['show_donation_button'] is defined and (ibexa_field_value( content, "show_donation_button" ) == "0") %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}